A long working-distance objective was designed which consists of a larger positive power lens and a smaller negative power lens. 物镜为长工作距物镜,由光焦度较大的正光组和光焦度较小的负光组组成。
It is a negative power, and is conservative in its character. 这是一个否定的权力,并带有保守的特点。
The positive or negative power flux means energy in waveguide travels forward or backward. 负的归一化功率流则说明了能量在波导中向后传输;
If we can control the negative power, then it can also help us. 如果我们能够克服否定的力量的话,它也能帮助我们。
With the increase of the diameter, the elastic modulus of coal samples decreases by means of a negative power function, nearly independent of the confining pressure. 随着直径的增加,煤样弹性模量近似呈负幂函数关系降低,但这种关系受围压影响较小;
Statistical properties of random light fields scattering from scatterers are that the probability distribution function of the speckle intensity is the negative power function and the autocorrelation function of the speckle intensity is the Fourier transformation of the modulus square of the aperture function. 由包含大量散射颗粒的随机散射体产生的随机光场的统计特性为:散斑光强的概率分布函数是按负指数概率分布的;散斑光强的自相关函数为孔径函数模平方的傅立叶变换。
But the characteristic of contradiction and trait of comedy of "middle character", is considered to be the negative power. 然而,中间人物自身的矛盾个性和某些喜剧特征,使之被认为是一种消极力量。
Computing Method of Negative Power Matrix Polynomial 矩阵负指数多项式的计算方法
Turn-to-turn Faults in Stator Windings of Generator and Negative Power Directional Unit 发电机匝间保护与负序功率方向元件
Research on positive and negative power supply of high-precision and high-symmetry 高精度高对称度正负电源的研究
The paper also discriminates the relationship between the negative power and scales, it is found that the character of self-organized criticality of China disaster exposure exists objectivity, but the value of the negative power of relationship between the scale and frequency may change with different scales. 最后指出,中国自然灾害灾情的自组织临界性特征是客观存在的,而标度-频度的幂律值则是一个相对值。
The attenuation of dynamic compaction vibration is statistically analyzed herein based on large amout of monitoring data and the result indicates that to describe the attenuation of dynamic compaction vibration by negative power function is reasonable. 本文根据大量的强夯地面振动监测资料对强夯地面振动的衰减规律进行了统计分析,分析表明用夯检距的负幂函数描述强夯地面振动衰减统计规律是合理的。
In this paper, an improved 2D fractal model is present for modeling the sea surface, the fractal spectrum of which satisfies the positive or negative power law for spatial wave numbers smaller or larger than the fundamental wave number, respectively. 提出了一种改进的二维分形海面模型,其表面谱函数在空间波数小于基波波数及大于基波波数时分别满足正幂率关系和负幂率关系。
If they are not guided properly, their leisure, free and far from controllable, will become a 'vacuum region' of moral education, which could be a negative power to affect their development. 如果不加以引导,自由性、可控性小的闲暇就会成为道德教育的真空,成为影响学生发展的消极力量。
Negative Power Law and Fractional Structure 负幂律与分形结构
And a negative power function can be used to express the relationship between channel gradient and debris flow fan area. 而堆积扇面积与沟床比降之间可用一个负的指数关系式表达。
Correspondingly, the dielectric dispersion which has a negative power relationship with frequency has also been found in a certain frequency domain. 与之对应,在一定频域内存在与频率成负幂次关系的介电色散。
The relationship between concentration factor of byssus and whole body wet weight ( or shell length) is a negative power function. 足丝的浓集团子与贻贝整体湿重(或壳长)呈负幂函数关系。
Both the numbers of tree species and tree density decreased as height class or diameter class increased, fitting both negative exponential and negative power equations. 树种数和树木的密度都随高度级、径级的增加而呈负指数或负幂函数递减。
The first fractal dimension relates to roughness of profiles in a negative power function. 第一分形维数与粗糙度的关系可以用负指数描述;
Daily mean temperature and the ear grain number is of positive logarithm relationship. Precipitation and grain number per ear is of negative power function relationship. The ratio of heat and water and grain number is of positive linear relationship. 日平均气温与穗粒数呈正的对数关系,降雨量与穗粒数为负的幂函数关系,而水热比与穗粒数则呈正的线性关系。
Regulation of self-thinning is that relationship between DBH and average density of population accords with negative power func-tion. 樟子松种群自疏规律为:平均胸径与密度的关系符合负幂函数模型。
In order to decrease the influence of the negative power, we outfit the electromotor with the balance weight. 为减少电动机负值功率的影响,要为抽油机合理配备平衡块,这就要求准确监测抽油机的工作状态。
Compared the simulation results and actual measurement, found the simulated blasting waveform is similar with the waveform of actual measurement, the peak value decay law is basically consistent, the decay law of peak effective stress value follow the law of negative power exponent. 通过数值模拟结果与实测数据的对比,发现模拟的爆破地震波波形与实测的波形基本相似。质点峰值衰减规律基本一致,峰值有效应力的衰减规律基本遵循负幂指数规律衰减。
To prevent this maloperation, negative power directional unit can be used for judging the fault between internal and external, which is a way to prevent turn-to-turn faults protection maloperation. 提出增加用负序功率方向元件来进行判断内外部故障,可以有效防止匝间保护误动作。
Alterable price can be divided into active power transmission price, negative power transmission price and congestion price to be convenient for calculate. 其中,变动价格又分为有功输电价格、无功输电价格和阻塞价格三个部分,便于计算分析。
By virtue of nonlinear semigroup theory, energy-perturbed approach and exponential multiplier method, we show that the vibration of the beam under the proposed control action decays exponentially or in negative power of time t as t →∞. 首先利用非线性半群理论和能量摄动方法,证明了文中所给出的非线性耗散边界反馈控制可以镇定闭环系统的能量,并导出了闭环系统的能量的衰减速度。
Methods Phacoemulsification with low or negative power intraocular lens implantation were performed on 111 eyes of 86 patients with axial high myopia. 方法对86例111眼轴性高度近视患者进行超声乳化吸出术联合低、负度数人工晶状体植入术。
The narrow voltage control range can be increased greatly using third-order active loop filter and zero drift of the op amp can be eliminated with positive and negative power supply scheme. 基于三阶有源环路的设计方法提高锁相环路的电压控制范围,采用正负双电源运放供电方案有效地改善运放工作零点漂移问题。
The fractal spectrum of this new model satisfies the negative power law spectrum when the spatial wave number is larger than the fundamental wave number, whereas it takes the form of the positive power law spectrum. 改进分形海面的表面轮廓谱函数在空间波数小于和大于基波波数的情况下分别满足正幂率谱和负幂率谱的形式。